Save with no limits
Get more from every dollar you save, with no limits, minimums, or conditions.

Save your way
Savings that suit you with Sharesies PIE Save or Save. Create as many accounts as you need, and add to them automatically or just when it works for you. Earn daily returns and easily access your savings.
Sharesies PIE Save
No fixed terms, no minimums, and tax on your returns capped at 28%. With PIE Save, your savings are stashed in a Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE) under special tax rules. Learn more.
Personal tax rate | Effective rate* |
30% | 3.65% |
33% | 3.81% |
39% | 4.19% |

Sharesies Save
Safely set aside—but right at your fingertips. An ultra-flexible savings account that you can top up or tap into anytime, all while earning interest on every dollar.
Interest rate3.35%P.A.Interest rate is subject to change.
It’s in the bank
No matter how you save, returns are earned daily and paid monthly. Plus, your money’s held in trust with an AA- rated registered NZ-based bank to get a sweet rate on your behalf.

We saved you a spot
Your money will have a new place to grow. You’re gonna rate it. To open a Save or PIE Save account, you need to have a Sharesies Account.
Psst. Already have a Sharesies Account? Log in now